


To our valued clients- Past-Present-Future

I would like to take a moment to bring attention to, as well as educate, of an issue I have coined “Scare-Curity”.

I have worked and been involved in various levels of Destination Management and Private Security all over the world.

I have cooperated and completed tasks with the US Military, FBI, SEC, Interpol, and Private Contractors over a 17-year career.

Prior to joining SISPIMX, I took a moment to see how many Security Providers actually solicit and use visuals to market armed protection in Mexico.

Quite frankly what I viewed I found comical. The images on this page have been seen online to exhibit the services available in Mexico.

Allow me to help with your travel and vacation decision, if you are going to any location that requires what is being advertised in this manner, DON’T GO!!
And if you truly do require a force or presence of this magnitude, I advise you as a professional and Government liaison, to contact the State Department, or you’re probably doing something wrong yourself to require this level of protection. 

Does anything about these images seem like a vacation for you? 

I have been in Yemen with less ordinance and firepower at my disposal. Hence, this is NOT Professional Personal Protection, it is indeed “Scare-Curity” and it gives a POOR representation of Mexico. 

SISPIMX is trying to get people to COME and ENJOY Mexico! Not scare the hell out of people. The BEST security is the one that attracts the least attention. The BEST agents walk between the raindrops.

The most egregious aspect of this type of advertising is it implies Mexico is inordinately dangerous. Which is patently false.

The simple mathematical facts are if you’re arriving from the United States, you are leaving the most dangerous and armed nation on the planet.

Every last state in the US contains areas that all are advised to steer clear of. Merely visit YOUTUBE and you will be made available to view literally MILLIONS of uploads of “Violent” interactions in your hometown.

This is actually the case all over the WORLD. But that does not mean we all stop traveling. Be AWARE and Be PREPARED, that is what attracted me to SISPIMX. Our President, Marco Cabrera has NEVER felt the need to use paranoia to build a client base. And my success in the United States was built on the same principles. 

Don’t take me for my word, do the checking yourself. And be sure to see they are not using the term “Per Capita“. That means they are generating a number based on the population of the area. So, 10 “VIOLENT CRIMES” a year could generate a large number in cities with LOW population numbers. 
FACT: Due to the exclusivity of the properties, and the cost of living in BCS, actual population numbers are LOW. Most of the employed staff require transportation from other areas to work in BCS. 

FACT: The Mexican Government is keenly aware of the importance of TOURISM to the GDP of the nation. 30 years ago, destinations like ACAPULCO and PUERTO VALLARTA were key tourism hubs. That is not the case in 2025. They are now exhausting great resources to market and develop new areas on the Yucatan side like TULUM, PUERTO MORELOS, and MERIDA.  However, BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR remains the “Golden Goose“. 

FACT: In the UNITED STATES, a good rule of thumb was you’re in a good area, if there is a “WHOLE FOODS
” in your neighborhood. Funny as it may seem, it is very much TRUE. Multi-billion-dollar corporations perform exhausting Due Diligence PRIOR to building and investing in areas. It is that very same paradigm that sees the names “RITZ-CARLTON“, “WALDORF-ASTORIA“, “FOUR SEASONS” and quite frankly every other (5-Star) Hospitality Corporations erect and operate their multi-billion-dollar Hotels in BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR.

FACT: If you are a foreign visitor in ANY country, it is wise to have a trusted concierge or guide. Unfamiliarity attracts attention, and thus tourists can be taken advantage of. In BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, it is primarily centered around the following.


New arrivals often will have overpaid and are victim to price gouging stemming from a lack of knowledge of the currency exchange. 


Being consistently approached or even harassed by vendors selling products. 


 Keeping a wallet in the back pocket, or leaving valuables unattended for even the briefest of moments.


Be it drugs or prostitution, tourism destinations will always have this element. 

The most dubious in my opinion here would be “HONEY POT” SCAMS and BLACKMAIL SCHEMES which can be easily avoided by practicing common sense. If you didn’t look like GEORGE CLOONEY when you boarded the plane, you don’t suddenly look like him now. Enough said.
This brings me to my last point to educate all upon. The famous line from “The Wizard of Oz“-  “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” 
An aware and intelligent individual is the BEST SISPIMX client. Always being cognizant that you are in a foreign country can avoid 99% of possible conflicts or incidents. But even the best-laid plans can run into an unexpected situation. It is within our overwhelming scope of services and strategic partnerships within the worlds of BOTH- PROFESSIONAL SECURITY/ DESTINATION MANAGEMENT and LUXURY LEISURE SERVICES, where SISPIMX stands alone. Our MISSION is to protect and allow our clients to enjoy MEXICO from when their feet hit our soil until they step back onto a plane. We are ready for any situation 24/7. In the off chance, that there is an emergency or unexpected situation that arises, we do NOT leave our clients abandoned. 
SISPIMX has Mexican Legal on retainer. We maintain representation not only in BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, but all of Mexico. Marco has worked with the Mexican authorities for years and his reputation is impeccable. I have personally dealt with assisting American citizens abroad through Embassies in Mexico, Panama, Morocco, Spain, Jamaica, and Ireland. In the event a client is neither Mexican nor American, I have knowledge of all protocols for communication via Interpol to ensure situations are communicated both compliantly and timely with the appropriate consulate. Our point is, that you are NOT alone. It is “THIS” type of pre-planning and internal operations that accurately defines “SECURITY”, and NOT Kevlar vests and Machine Guns.
I am penning this EDITORIAL to our site visitors to highlight and emphasize the huge and tangible difference between SISPIMX and other service providers. 

I have spent a career serving clients in both a public and private capacity. My history of working hand in hand with Government agencies is a matter of public record and free for any to verify. I have been trained by Military Experts in the proper and safe operation of everything from a handgun to a Barrett 50 caliber long arm. I came to BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR to retire. But having met and befriended Marco, his CORE VALUES match mine perfectly.
SISPIMX operates across all of Mexico, yet is based in the tourism capital of Baja California Sur.
SISPIMX is also the ONLY Security firm to even legally utilize FIREARMS in Baja California Sur. ( So don’t let the CALL of DUTY photos fool you )

TRUE security comes from meeting the needs of our clients, without drawing unneeded attention. The most secure of situations are derived from them not occurring in the first place. Unfortunately, many think exhibiting overwhelming firepower, (which is Most Certainly Unauthorized) is the way to re-assure incoming visitors. 
Mexico as a country is quite huge. And there are many states that indeed bring with them a higher propensity for crime. My point is the same can be said for New York, Miami, Los Angeles, …… get the point. Don’t fall victim to “Scare-curity” tactics, and plan your needs and expectations with professionals as opposed to trigger-happy mercenaries.   
After all, THIS IS CABO, and you’re here to enjoy one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACES ON EARTH!!
Saludos, and welcome to SISIPIMX.