To our valued clients- Past-Present-Future
I would like to take a moment to bring attention to, as well as educate, of an issue I have coined “Scare-Curity”.
I have worked and been involved in various levels of Destination Management and Private Security all over the world.
I have cooperated and completed tasks with the US Military, FBI, SEC, Interpol, and Private Contractors over a 17-year career.
Prior to joining SISPIMX, I took a moment to see how many Security Providers actually solicit and use visuals to market armed protection in Mexico.
Quite frankly what I viewed I found comical. The images on this page have been seen online to exhibit the services available in Mexico.
FACT: If you are a foreign visitor in ANY country, it is wise to have a trusted concierge or guide. Unfamiliarity attracts attention, and thus tourists can be taken advantage of. In BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, it is primarily centered around the following.
New arrivals often will have overpaid and are victim to price gouging stemming from a lack of knowledge of the currency exchange.
Being consistently approached or even harassed by vendors selling products.
Keeping a wallet in the back pocket, or leaving valuables unattended for even the briefest of moments.
Be it drugs or prostitution, tourism destinations will always have this element.